It always seems to be the same fish who are enthralled with the flash on the camera! ;)
Anyway, here's a Cardinal Tetra, the Mystery Snail, and a Zebra Danio.
The tetra is the only one I have. I have 8 other Neon Tetras which are extremely close in looks (the red only covers half the body, but that's the only difference I can see), but I can't find any more Cardinals at the local pet stores. It stinks, because they are a schooling fish and like to be in odd-numbered groups. This one seems to be the leader for the Neons. They're always following him around.
The Zebra danios are annoying, and they nip the other fish's fins. I don't like them, but they're hardy and great for starting a new tank. I have 6. They're from India and all the other fish I have are from South America, so that could be why there is so much contention among the Danios and the other fish. (?) I had to take the betta fish out of the tank because of the Danios and the Guppy's tail fin is starting to get a little nipped, but they're nippers, too. I'm going to leave him in the tank. Mainly because I have no place else to put him. :( The betta is in a bowl, now, though.
They snail I already talked about a few days ago. Anyway, I'm rambling again. Sorry. I'll stop now. :)
For those who are interested, my fish tank is 100 gallons. :)