Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 17th - Twinsies

I call this one, "Twinsies," because it looks like a very unusual mirror image. :)
I think the blimp is around because the AT&T National Pro-Am is starting soon.

This one is a bonus, because I had a really hard time choosing today. :) The boats in the background are a fishing boat and a Coast Guard Fire Rescue boat, I believe.


Andromeda5000 said...

I like the way the person in the kayak is looking up at the balloon thingy. It's a lovely photo but for today I prefer the bonus. I like how the colours on the bird are the same sorts of colours as the vessels on the water. And the composition sits nice as well.

kimbomac said...

Fabulous pictures, both of them. I think you chose well in the first one cos I love the mist on the beach and the blimp is such an unusual sight. Nice work on both.

Lisa Sprague said...

Well, you don't see that everyday! I like the bonus one did well at getting it all in pretty good focus from the bird to the boats.

Isabella2006 said...

I love them both, sometimes it's very hard to choose one.
I lean towards the seagull one JUST a tiny bit, he looks very bright and cheeky - looking at you and thinking "any food here?"

Anonymous said...

(I think that the orange kaiak can complement the 4 elements with fire!).
Here we can see a perfect combination with elements in horizontal line. This is so wonderful!!!
The second image is great too. But I'm suspect because I love animals ...

LMorrow57 said...

I like the twins.....your timing on that shot was awesome!

Celia said...

These are both such great clear shots!! I love them both...but probably your Twinsies more because you dont see an image like that....ever.

Anonymous said...

Terrific shot. Really col how the dirigible balances out the kayak and vice versa!

Julia said...

I love both of these. They're so unique. Great capture on the one with the blimp, especially.