Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4th - Scuba Diver

This is at the Coast Guard Pier, in Monterey. He was just coming out of the water. Looks like all kinds of fun, doesn't it? :D


theicebunny said...

Scuba diving is great fun what would he be looking at are there coral or ship wreaks there

LMorrow57 said...

I like the darkness of the rocks to the right contrasting with the brightness on the left

Rhiannonsmommy said...

One word...Sweet!

Isabella2006 said...

He's well suited up, it must be cold there.
There are nice contrasts here, with the diver, the rocks and the sea.

Julia said...

Cool picture. Lots of nice contrast and the diver is so sharp. Great job.

thephrog said...

No coral or shipwrecks that I know of, and yes it's very cold. 52 degrees, on average. Brrr.

Andromeda5000 said...

Well spotted but no, it doesn't look like fun. Far too cold!! Good snapping though!

secretatlantis said...

I have 3 divers in my family, they prefer to dive in warmer climates though.

Anonymous said...

very cool picture, I like how the shadow of the rocks kind of frames the picture into being a triangle.

pr4ktic said...

Really like that strip of blue shadow.

Anonymous said...

Diving is one of my favorite sports. My big dream is photographing the ocean acquatic life and its explosion of colors and shapes. But using snorkel and apnea. All this equipment that your model is using in your magnificent image is suitable for professional divers. Congratulations on the job!

Whalelight said...

Great capture of the diver against the waves and rocks in the background. You live in a very interesting neighborhood :)

SigloV said...

Good work - love the colours and shapes.

Suedre said...

Good stuff. I'm so jealous of all of the beach dwellers. I don't live far from the beach (two hours-ish), but its the Atlantic ocean and boring. The waves are very flat and there are no rocks like in your photo. Very cool stuff, can't wait to see what else you come up with. :)

kimbomac said...

Great fun. I like how he's standing in the sun and the dark diagonal line of shadow cuts the image in two. Well spotted composition. Well done.

cshutt said...

Great use of light and dark (sun & shadows).